Apo­neo 18 Jahre Erfahrung

About Us

Since 2006 we have sup­plied hun­dreds of thou­sands of cus­tomers through­out Ger­many. We thank you for your trust.

Who is behind APONEO and how did the mail order phar­ma­cy come about? Did you know that every Ger­man mail order phar­ma­cy must have a sta­tion­ary phar­ma­cy? Learn more about our APONEO phar­ma­cy in Berlin Licht­en­berg, which also offers the best prices for the avail­able range.

APONEO — More than a phar­ma­cy, today it is one of the ten largest mail order phar­ma­cies in Ger­many and employs a team of 80 phar­ma­cists and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal­ly trained spe­cial­ists. Since the end of 2006, the num­ber of cus­tomers has grown from 40,000 to over 1,000,000 today. Every day we hand over around 4,000 parcels to our ship­ping ser­vice providers. The prod­uct port­fo­lio of our health depart­ment store com­pris­es 140,000 arti­cles and is pri­mar­i­ly aimed at price- and qual­i­ty-con­scious cus­tomers with pre­dictable needs. The assort­ment ranges from pre­scrip­tion and over-the-counter med­i­cines, dietary sup­ple­ments, con­tact lens­es, erot­ic arti­cles to cos­met­ics and well­ness products.

With the web shop, which went live in Sep­tem­ber 2011, APONEO reached a new dimen­sion in the Ger­man mail order phar­ma­cy mar­ket. Since 2012, smart­phone users can also reach us via the spe­cial mobile shop. In addi­tion to numer­ous prod­ucts from the areas of health and well­ness we offer you a lot of infor­ma­tion. Many excit­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties to com­mu­ni­cate with us are wait­ing for you. Take advan­tage of this oppor­tu­ni­ty. We look for­ward to see­ing you.

In the begin­ning there were 10 parcels per day, then 20 and quick­ly it became more and more. The ini­tial­ly used cel­lar became too small and a new, larg­er prop­er­ty had to be found. In May 2006 we final­ly opened the mail-order phar­ma­cy APONEO in Berlin-Hohen­schön­hausen with a dis­tance of a few kilo­me­tres to the moth­er pharmacy.

Already in 2005, the phar­ma­cist Kon­stan­tin Prim­bas felt the grow­ing open-mind­ed­ness for health shop­ping in Ger­many. As the own­er of the Bären Apotheke in Berlin, he noticed the increas­ing demand for a drug deliv­ery ser­vice to the front door in talks with cus­tomers. Kon­stan­tin Prim­bas put this idea into prac­tice in spring 2006 by found­ing APONEO. In this chang­ing health­care mar­ket we still see a great chal­lenge and opportunity.

APONEO more than phar­ma­cy is a busi­ness part of the:

APONEO phar­ma­cy
Frank­furter Allee 241
10365 Berlin



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