MiKa 8 Jahre Erfahrung

The first app on pre­scrip­tion for all types of cancer

MiKa is a “dig­i­tal health appli­ca­tion” (DiGA). MiKa can be pre­scribed by a doc­tor as an app on pre­scrip­tion. The statu­to­ry health insur­ance com­pa­nies cov­er the costs of using the appli­ca­tion. This is reg­u­lat­ed by the Dig­i­tal Sup­ply Act (DVG).

How can I use MiKa? 

Your statu­to­ry health insur­ance com­pa­ny will pro­vide you with an acti­va­tion code to use the MiKa app and will also cov­er the costs of using MiKa. This works as an “app on pre­scrip­tion” or direct­ly from your health insur­ance company.

Acti­va­tion code and assump­tion of costs — this is how it works! 

App on prescription

  1. Get a pre­scrip­tion
    Have your doc­tor or psy­chother­a­pist issue you a pre­scrip­tion for the Mika app.
  2. Send it to your health insur­ance com­pa­ny
    Sub­mit your pre­scrip­tion to your statu­to­ry health insur­ance com­pa­ny in the usu­al way.
  3. Acti­vate the Mika app with your acti­va­tion code
    Your health insur­ance com­pa­ny will send you a 16-dig­it acti­va­tion code for free use of the Mika app. Down­load Mika from the App Store or Google Play Store and acti­vate your Mika app with this acti­va­tion code.

Direct­ly from your health insur­ance company

Some health insur­ers also accept the route with­out a doctor’s pre­scrip­tion and only require proof of a can­cer diag­no­sis in an offi­cial doc­u­ment. If you have an onco­log­i­cal diag­no­sis, your health insur­ance com­pa­ny will send you a 16-dig­it acti­va­tion code to use the Mika app free of charge.

You can then down­load Mika from the App Sto­ry or Google Play Store and acti­vate it with your per­son­al acti­va­tion code.

Down­load the MiKa app!

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