Sis­ter Teresa 40 Jahre Erfahrung

Sis­ter Tere­sa Zukic from the “Small Com­mu­ni­ty of the Broth­ers and Sis­ters of Jesus” is mul­ti-tal­ent­ed. In addi­tion to her well-known cook­book “Him­mel im Mund” and her con­tri­bu­tions to deal­ing with can­cer, the for­mer com­pet­i­tive ath­lete works as a speak­er, key speak­er, author, com­pos­er and musi­cian, painter and ama­teur cook.


Sis­ter Tere­sa is not a blank slate. She is known to mil­lions of Ger­mans through her tele­vi­sion appear­ances, musi­cals, church ser­vices, lec­tures, ser­mons and books. As a grad­u­ate reli­gious edu­ca­tion teacher, she is a sought-after guest speak­er through­out Ger­many and now also inter­na­tion­al­ly and has been caus­ing a sen­sa­tion as a man­ag­er train­er for years.

“The nun, who is brim­ming with ener­gy and joie de vivre, com­bines tal­ent for speak­ing, humor, open­ness and enthu­si­asm for the faith to cre­ate a rous­ing per­son­al­i­ty. She does­n’t give bor­ing lec­tures that make you buck­le or bend, but con­vinces with real-life assis­tance for every­day life.

“She owes her great inter­net and media pres­ence to her tire­less dili­gence. With 100 lec­tures a year, she inspires Chris­tians and com­mu­ni­ties of all denom­i­na­tions, com­pa­nies and busi­ness forums, rur­al women’s days and women’s breakfasts.”


As a top key speak­er, Sis­ter Tere­sa has been inspir­ing peo­ple at com­pa­nies, com­pa­nies and busi­ness days for years.

In front of 600 den­tists in the Mar­itim Hotel in Cologne, at the Eco­nom­ic Day of the Sparkasse in the Bam­berg Con­gress Hall in front of 1200 vis­i­tors, at the Day of Crafts in front of 900 vis­i­tors in Lör­rach, at the Schmidt­Col­leg in front of 300 top entre­pre­neurs, at ener­gy com­pa­nies such as the Trur­nit­fo­rum in the Kün­stler­haus or for the lat­er­al thinker con­gress in the Old Con­gress Hall in Munich, or at medi­um-sized companies.

Book Author

A selec­tion of pub­lished books:

  • Liebe Kirche Briefe an Gott und sein Bodenpersonal
  • Zwölf­mal Segen für Dich
  • Na toll, lieber Gott. Mein ver­rück­tes Leben.
  • Lebe, lache, liebe… und sag den Sor­gen Gute Nacht!
  • Die Seele braucht mehr als Pflaster
  • Von der Zärtlichkeit Gottes
  • Die kleine Nonne. Mein geistlich­es Notizbuch.
  • Jed­er ist nor­mal bis Du ihn kennst. Von der Spir­ituellen Kraft Men­schen zu (er) tra­gen ohne den Humor zu verlieren.
  • Der befreien­den Umgang mit Fehler
  • Aben­teuer Christ sein” — 5 Schritte zu einem erfüll­ten Leben
  • Aben­teuer­land Kindergottesdienste


Your musi­cals are always com­mu­ni­ty projects. Up to 150 par­tic­i­pants aged 5–75 are involved to show how alive our church can be. Only liv­ing peo­ple make a liv­ing church! The musi­cal about the Holy Spir­it is struc­tured like a mod­ern devo­tion­al. My dream of a liv­ing church lives from trust in the work of the Holy Spir­it. She vouch­es for that with her name.

Hob­by Cook

She rarely comes along, but when Sis­ter Tere­sa swings the cook­ing spoon, not only the small com­mu­ni­ty is hap­py, but also many guests.

In her cook­book “Heav­en in the mouth — cook­book for body and soul” she and Prof. Dr. Jalid Sehouli, can­cer spe­cial­ist at the Berlin Char­ité Enjoy­ment and deal­ing with can­cer. In this book they pass on their wealth of knowl­edge and their life expe­ri­ence of heal­ing enjoy­ment from their every­day lives as pas­tors and doc­tors. This book is spiced up with her pas­sion for cook­ing, her love for peo­ple and her great sense of humour. For dessert, they have includ­ed numer­ous col­or pho­tos and unique recipes in this book. A book against pro­hi­bi­tions and renun­ci­a­tion and for more joie de vivre, cor­dial­i­ty and gratitude!

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