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Con­tin­u­ous Edu­ca­tion for med­ical pro­fes­sion­als: Why microlearn­ing makes sense now and in the future!

The prob­lem with time

Ger­man doc­tors have rough­ly 7–10 min­utes for their patients. Lack of time is a cen­tral prob­lem in the Ger­man health­care sys­tem, whether in the hos­pi­tal or in the prac­tice. In order to suc­cess­ful­ly treat a dis­ease, it is nec­es­sary to know the rea­son for it. Col­lect­ing and inter­pret­ing the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion often takes time.

Fur­ther­more, con­tin­u­ous train­ing and fur­ther edu­ca­tion is ele­men­tary for med­ical pro­fes­sion­als. It serves to main­tain and con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­op pro­fes­sion­al com­pe­tence. At the same time, high-qual­i­ty in patient treat­ment and med­ical care should be guar­an­teed. Life­long learn­ing and the need for con­tin­u­ous fur­ther edu­ca­tion are wide­ly estab­lished in mod­ern med­i­cine. But in the best case, con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion should hap­pen brain- and time friend­ly. As fur­ther train­ing also requires time, the gold­en rule is: keep­ing edu­ca­tion short, smart and simple.

Time for microlearning

The con­cept of microlearn­ing fits in with our fast-paced world and con­tin­u­ous change. On the one hand, because micro con­tents are small learn­ing units that pro­vide answers at any giv­en point of the day, or in oth­er words every now and then. They enable new knowl­edge to be acquired fast and skills to be expand­ed wide­ly. On the oth­er hand, these small units can also be designed in com­bi­na­tion with oth­er forms of learn­ing such as online and face-to-face sem­i­nars. In order to suit the needs of the learn­ers and encour­age spend­ing more time learning.

These learn­ing ses­sions enable ongo­ing, effi­cient knowl­edge and skills devel­op­ment. Imag­ine a large com­pe­tence cube, which con­sists of many small cubes of knowl­edge, I can always reassem­ble the small cubes to match. Speak­ing from edu­ca­tion­al research, peo­ple learn best over a longer peri­od of time if they retrieve and apply knowl­edge over and over again, instead of only attend­ing a sem­i­nar once a year.


The Acad­e­my for Klinikman­age­ment uses microlearn­ing as part of an online course for clin­i­cians. In struc­tured learn­ing mod­ules, sin­gle units of a max­i­mum of 15 min­utes are placed in such a way that they can be insert­ed into every break or on-call duty. Thus enabling the nec­es­sary flex­i­bil­i­ty. You can find out more about this in this video explain­ing microlearn­ing (in German).

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