Logo der Initiative Rosi

Ini­tia­tive Rosi #für­rosi

Logo of the Initiative Rosi

What is it about?

The Rosi ini­tia­tive sup­ports women who are suf­fer­ing from can­cer, such as cer­vi­cal can­cer or ovar­i­an can­cer. In the cur­rent, pur­pose-ori­ent­ed rooms, the patients’ thoughts revolve around the ill­ness, because every­thing reminds them of it. With easy-to-imple­ment remod­el­ing, we can make a huge dif­fer­ence in treatment.

The goal is a heal­ing and ben­e­fi­cial envi­ron­ment for women in a seri­ous health cri­sis. An envi­ron­ment that strength­ens the courage to face life and self-heal­ing pow­ers and in which dead wait­ing time becomes live­ly, mean­ing­ful­ly ful­filled time. How­ev­er, this requires a holis­tic approach that offers not only rest, retreat and secu­ri­ty but also con­tent: learn­ing and meet­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in which those affect­ed expe­ri­ence them­selves not only as treat­ed but also as actors and can devel­op self-deter­mined and self-effec­tive pos­i­tive strate­gies and perspectives.

The Rosi Initiative

Prof. Dr. med. Jalid Sehouli and Tina Müller joint­ly found­ed the Rosi ini­tia­tive — named after Tina’s late moth­er Roswitha. Rosi was a moth­er, wife, col­league, friend and advi­sor. When she found out about her can­cer, her life changed rad­i­cal­ly, as she had to spend a lot of time in cold ther­a­py rooms from then on. Her daugh­ter Tina accom­pa­nied her and thus expe­ri­enced the premis­es and cir­cum­stances for her­self. This pic­ture is also famil­iar to Prof. Sehouli. As direc­tor of the Clin­ic for Gyne­col­o­gy at the Char­ité, he rep­re­sents a com­pre­hen­sive ther­a­peu­tic approach that also includes the well-being and courage of the patients. The ther­a­py room offers enor­mous poten­tial to strength­en this vital force. That is why the Rosi ini­tia­tive comes into play here and would like to redesign this space.

The # für­Rosi ini­tia­tive with many sup­port­ers has exist­ed since April 2018. This includes promi­nent (by choice and heart­felt) Berlin­ers, but also Ger­many-wide sup­port­ers. And it includes peo­ple like you and me because we all know women and sis­ters, aunts and daugh­ters, friends and impor­tant women of all kinds who are affect­ed. As a first step, we used a crowd­fund­ing cam­paign to appeal to “real” men (those in whom the heart is stronger than the biceps). Juras­si­ca Par­ka, Her­bert Gröne­mey­er, Rober­to Blan­co, Rolf Schei­der, Mike Adler, Moritz Rinke, as well as the foot­ballers from Berlin Hertha and the hand­ball play­ers from Füchse Berlin helped.

The Con­cept

For Rosi, it has always been a con­cern to improve the ther­a­py rooms. Her daugh­ter has tak­en on this concern.

Based on her mother’s expe­ri­ences, Tina has devel­oped a room con­cept that is sup­posed to make the treat­ment more bear­able. The patients should be giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spend their lives mean­ing­ful­ly instead of just sit­ting down. There­fore, the ther­a­py room is being com­plete­ly redesigned. The use of nat­ur­al wood, warm light and a fra­grance sys­tem should pro­mote phys­i­cal well-being. With the Rosi ini­tia­tive, we also want to cre­ate a diverse range of con­tent. This should include, for exam­ple, lan­guage cours­es, guest lec­tures and themed morn­ings, but also enter­tain­ment media or free cos­met­ic and nutri­tion­al advice. Spend­ing time with loved ones is part of it. A warm and secure envi­ron­ment should enable women to dis­tract them­selves, to relax and, as far as pos­si­ble, to feel good.

You can find more infor­ma­tion here:

Your Mother
The Ini­tia­tive
Your Girlfriend
The Blog
Your Sister
The Crowd­fund­ing

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