Mh med­ical + sci­ence GmbH pro­vides spe­cial­ist infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion web­por­tals in the fields of med­i­cine, sci­ence and society. 

For our new area med­i­men­tumHealth­Food we will be offer­ing spe­cial­ly com­piled recipes and their ingre­di­ents to be ordered via the Inter­net. The recipe design is based on the needs of peo­ple with var­i­ous health restric­tions, as dis­cussed on our health por­tals under the med­i­men­tum brand.

To achieve our ambi­tious goals, an expert like you is need­ed as soon as pos­si­ble! Become part of mh med­ical + sci­ence GmbH, in Berlin.

Your Tasks

  • Prod­uct management
  • Cre­ation of recipes and calculations
  • Cre­ation of infor­ma­tion mate­r­i­al on nutri­tion-depen­dent dis­eases and dis­ease-relat­ed nutri­tion­al problems
  • Man­age­ment and con­trol of the busi­ness rela­tion­ship with the sales ser­vice provider pro­vid­ing the ingre­di­ents, with regard to the recipes and cal­cu­la­tions you have created

Your Edu­ca­tion and Experience

  • You have com­plet­ed train­ing as a dieti­cian or stud­ied as an ecotrophol­o­gist or nutritionist
  • You are famil­iar with food law, food safe­ty, food tech­nol­o­gy, ecotrophol­o­gy as well as mar­ket­ing, prod­uct and qual­i­ty man­age­ment of food
  • Tried and test­ed expe­ri­ence in nutri­tion­al ther­a­py for patients with dia­betes, obe­si­ty, onco­log­i­cal dis­eases and a nutri­tion­al inter­est in the “Long Covid” syn­drome are an advantage
  • You have good writ­ten and oral skills in Ger­man and English
  • Expe­ri­ence in using Word­Press is an advantage

Your Inter­ests and Strengths

  • You val­ue self-orga­nized work and at the same time are inter­est­ed in a con­struc­tive exchange of expe­ri­ences in a decen­tral­ized team
  • You take respon­si­bil­i­ty for your tasks and pur­sue set goals with commitment
  • You work in a struc­tured, orga­nized, pru­dent and solu­tion-ori­ent­ed manner
  • You are flex­i­ble, resilient and reliable
  • You val­ue open com­mu­ni­ca­tion and empath­ic behavior

We offer you a respon­si­ble posi­tion in an up-and-com­ing start-up with the val­ues of an own­er-man­aged com­pa­ny. Flat hier­ar­chies, high dynam­ics and quick deci­sions offer you the frame­work to ful­ly con­tribute your skills.