Ovar­i­an Can­cer Diet

With can­cer, many peo­ple affect­ed rethink their own habits. Diet is part of it, because now many are ask­ing: is my morn­ing cof­fee still good for me? Does it even make me sick if I eat meat or drink milk? In the fol­low­ing sec­tion you can find out whether there are foods that you should avoid and where cau­tion might be appropriate.


Do I have to eat dif­fer­ent­ly after being diag­nosed with cancer?


As such, can­cer patients do not require any spe­cial diet. Basi­cal­ly, not only patients but also all those not affect­ed should pay atten­tion to a healthy and bal­anced diet in order to strength­en their own health. There is no spe­cif­ic diet against can­cer cells, even if spe­cial can­cer diets are repeat­ed­ly pro­mot­ed in the press. There are indeed indi­ca­tions of unfa­vor­able nutri­tion­al influ­ences, e.g. through exces­sive con­sump­tion of refined sug­ar and fat, which in trig­ger­ing can­cers, can play a role. How­ev­er, there is no evi­dence that a par­tic­u­lar diet can influ­ence a tumor, let alone the course of the can­cer. On the con­trary, most “can­cer diets”, if poor­ly car­ried out, lead to mal­nu­tri­tion and mal­nu­tri­tion, which can seri­ous­ly endan­ger the patient. In prin­ci­ple, the rec­om­men­da­tions for a healthy diet should not dif­fer from those for peo­ple with­out a malig­nant dis­ease. Exces­sive alco­hol and nico­tine con­sump­tion should in prin­ci­ple be restrict­ed or com­plete­ly avoid­ed. A reduc­tion in obe­si­ty through less high-fat foods and a var­ied com­po­si­tion of food is also use­ful. Sev­er­al small meals are usu­al­ly cheap­er than a few large ones. The meal should take place in a cozy atmos­phere and there should be enough time to eat. The influ­ence of these social aspects should not be under­es­ti­mat­ed when it comes to nutri­tion. The fol­low­ing are also rec­om­mend­ed: reduc­tion of fre­quent meat con­sump­tion, use of whole grain prod­ucts, reg­u­lar con­sump­tion of fruit and veg­eta­bles. In gen­er­al, fresh prod­ucts (e.g. milk) should be con­sumed. Pre­served foods and nuts that are no longer per­fect should be avoid­ed. If sig­nif­i­cant seg­ments of the intes­tine have been removed dur­ing surgery or if there are diges­tive prob­lems, spe­cial dietary rec­om­men­da­tions may be nec­es­sary. These should be worked out pro­fes­sion­al­ly with your doc­tors and their nutri­tion teams.


A mag­a­zine rec­om­mends tak­ing high-dose vit­a­min sup­ple­ments, what do you think?


The eupho­ria regard­ing the intake of vit­a­mins is based on the “antiox­i­dant the­o­ry” of vit­a­mins A, C, E as sup­posed “can­cer pre­ven­ters”. Its effec­tive­ness is based on a study of 29,000 mal­nour­ished Chi­nese. In a Finnish study of 30,000 smok­ers, peo­ple who received vit­a­min A and E sup­ple­ments alone or in com­bi­na­tion even tend­ed to have neg­a­tive symp­toms. Sys­tem­at­ic stud­ies at the renowned Amer­i­can Mayo Clin­ic in Rochester could not show any advan­tages of high-dose vit­a­min C ther­a­py com­pared to the con­trol group that received no vit­a­min C. In addi­tion, there is even evi­dence that a par­al­lel admin­is­tra­tion of vit­a­min C to plat­inum-con­tain­ing chemother­a­py can trig­ger chemother­a­py resis­tance. Because part of the effect of chemother­a­py is due to the for­ma­tion of so-called free rad­i­cals, which are caused by cer­tain vit­a­mins, such as. B. Vit­a­min C, can be neutralized.

High dos­es of vit­a­mins can, albeit rarely, lead to side effects. There­fore, speak to your doc­tor ear­ly on about pos­si­ble side effects before using any addi­tion­al can­cer drugs or pro­ce­dures. Side effects of high-dose vit­a­min ther­a­py can include: flu­id reten­tion in the tis­sue, kid­ney stones, col­ic, diar­rhea and nausea.


I final­ly want to lose weight, what is the best way to do it?


Nutri­tion­al advice and ther­a­py for onco­log­i­cal patients should be based on the gen­er­al­ly applic­a­ble cri­te­ria (Inter­net at: http://www.krebshilfe.de/wir-informieren/material-fuer- Betroffene/blaue-ratgeber.html).

What is impor­tant is the ratio of the tar­get weight to the actu­al weight and how much weight should be lost in which peri­od. Please clar­i­fy this with your treat­ing doc­tor. A healthy diet with plen­ty of well-dosed phys­i­cal exer­cise is the basis for weight loss. Too much weight loss in a very short peri­od of time should be avoid­ed as this puts addi­tion­al strain on the body.

One-sided diets are also not advis­able, as they can cause defi­cien­cy symp­toms. Lax­a­tives or diet med­ica­tion are gen­er­al­ly not very suit­able; in any case, these mea­sures must be dis­cussed with your doc­tor. When diet­ing, you should make sure that you drink enough and con­sume enough vit­a­mins and minerals.

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