Telemed­i­cine for doc­tors and patients

By reg­is­ter­ing in the respec­tive spe­cial­ist area of med­i­men­tum, the doc­tor receives access to the online med­ical practice,

The ser­vices are offered in coop­er­a­tion with comjoodoc.

The month­ly fee for doc­torsand clin­ics includes the comjoodocPro ser­vice. Addi­tion­al ser­vices can be booked as an upgrade.

ComjoodocEasy is avail­able for patients.

The video con­sul­ta­tion is the mod­ern form of com­mu­ni­ca­tion between doc­tor and patient

ComjoodocPro for doc­tors and clinics:

  • Secure comjoodoc plat­form via app and web
  • Pro­fes­sion­al pro­file, pro­fes­sion­al direc­to­ry, con­nec­tions to net­work partners
  • CHAT – Secure Profi Chat, Group Chat
  • MEET – High Qual­i­ty Video, Screensharing
  • COMMUNITY — Unlim­it­ed num­ber of self-cre­at­ed pro­fes­sion­al communities
  • Noti­fi­ca­tion center
  • FLOW — Dig­i­tal col­lab­o­ra­tion with an unlim­it­ed num­ber of pre­de­fined processes
  • More indi­vid­u­al­ized start screen for quick access
  • Access to oth­er book­able val­ue-added ser­vices with sin­gle sign-on
  • Ser­vice pack­age (cal­cu­la­tion based on expenditure)
  • Val­i­dat­a­ble pro­file (val­i­da­tion one-time 25, — €)

comjoodoc EASY is our app for patients. It enables you to receive the best pos­si­ble health care from the doc­tors of your choice.

For this we pro­vide you with var­i­ous func­tions free of charge. This includes exchang­ing data with doc­tors, video con­sul­ta­tions and dis­cussing ques­tions with the doc­tor via chat. The trans­mis­sion of appoint­ments, vital signs, health, med­ica­tion plans or lab­o­ra­to­ry results as well as the issu­ing of dig­i­tal pre­scrip­tions or cer­tifi­cates of inca­pac­i­ty for work can also be car­ried out via the app.
Inte­grate the health­care providers you trust in your care and thus enable smooth com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Sim­ply call up val­ue-added ser­vices such as lab­o­ra­to­ry ser­vices for opti­mal care and qual­i­ty of life. With comjoodoc EASY you are well con­nect­ed to mod­ern health­care any­where and anytime.

The online consultation:

By click­ing on “Book an appoint­ment” with the doc­tor cho­sen by the patient, the patient receives an appoint­ment. With the TAN sent by the doc­tor, the patient can log in to the appoint­ment and go to the doc­tor online.

Con­sul­ta­tion and fol­low-up appoint­ments can now be held online. The patients only pay the fee that the doc­tor sets for the appoint­ment accord­ing to GOÄ.

In this way, the patient can com­fort­ably attend ques­tions, checks and fol­low-up appoint­ments from home with­out long jour­neys and with­out wast­ing time in the wait­ing room. The patient sees his doc­tor and can exchange images and doc­u­ments. And this regard­less of where the doc­tor or patient is in the world.

Our ser­vices

Addi­tion­al book­able services:

comjoodoc PRO


The pro­fes­sion­al account for using comjoodoc for health­care providers.
59,00 € plus VAT/ Month and user 

comjoodoc BASIC


Free light ver­sion
The free pri­vate account for health­care providers. 



Part of comjoodoc PRO / SMART / EASY
Video com­mu­ni­ca­tion has nev­er been easier!



Part of comjoodoc PRO / SMART / EASY
The legal­ly secure alter­na­tive for pub­lic mes­sag­ing systems.



Part of comjoodoc PRO / SMART / EASY
COMMUNITY offers func­tions for team coor­di­na­tion, project work, recur­ring group meet­ings, sem­i­nars, train­ing cours­es, self-help groups and much more.



With the vir­tu­al tele­phone con­nec­tion you get a full-fledged tele­phone con­nec­tion and a phone num­ber.
12,00 € plus VAT/ Month and phone number



The file shar­ing ser­vice for pro­fes­sion­al use.
0,00 € – 395,00 € plus VAT/ Month



Part of comjoodoc PRO
FLOW maps ready-made work­flows for net­worked work. Forms can be used to assign com­mon tasks, trans­fer orders, and trans­fer information.

Patien­ten­man­age­ment Scope


Upon request
The patient man­age­ment scope enables you to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive dig­i­tal care for your patients.



With the help of the stand, your patients can con­nect direct­ly to comjoodoc EASY via QR code or NFC and get in touch with you.
25,00 € plus VAT

Scope Telepatholo­gie


Inte­grate the pathol­o­gy direct­ly into the diag­no­sis and ther­a­py plan­ning.
250,00 € plus VAT/ Month



The Scope Tumor Board offers func­tions, forms and work­flows for dig­i­tal treat­ment plan­ning.
250,00 € plus VAT/ Month and user.