A technician using a microtome.

Rethink­ing Cancer

Ill­ness is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to change. When we ana­lyze “the prob­lem” we are able to sus­pend fear and iden­ti­fy pos­si­ble solu­tions. The task becomes one of strate­giz­ing an order of pri­or­i­ties and syn­er­gy of inter­ven­tion that will cre­ate a path to long-term wellness.

A new Approach

We live in an infi­nite mir­a­cle of cre­ation. Our bod­ies are a reflec­tion of the uni­verse as a whole. Each organ sys­tem is like a plan­et and the coor­di­nat­ed activ­i­ty of the body in the electro/biochemical sense reflects the essen­tial order of the cos­mos itself. Each of us a spir­i­tu­al enti­ty dwelling in a del­i­cate yet pow­er­ful phys­i­cal form. Thus the body in its prop­er func­tion­ing, reflects the nec­es­sary com­po­nents that the uni­verse requires for har­mo­ny, syn­er­gy and sustainability.

How then can we approach ill­ness? His­tor­i­cal­ly we study the body for its nor­mal phys­i­o­log­ic func­tion, then we exam­ine dys­func­tion or pathol­o­gy and cat­e­go­rize it as dis­ease enti­ties. “Dis­ease” is the clas­sic way to look at health prob­lems. I would sub­mit that dis­ease is real­ly just imbal­ance. When the body expe­ri­ences var­i­ous stres­sors it tries to com­pen­sate for a prob­lem it may be strug­gling to solve. How­ev­er in this attempt at “solu­tion,” it may com­pen­sate and cre­ate yet anoth­er area of imbal­ance. Thus, true med­ical prob­lem solv­ing requires iden­ti­fy­ing and pri­or­i­tiz­ing treat­ment of both under­ly­ing caus­es as well as the acute prob­lem at hand. In oth­er words – treat the whole body in order to treat the root caus­es and the man­i­fest­ing prob­lem, and ulti­mate­ly and ide­al­ly, then bal­ance the entire set of systems.

Bal­ance and Imbalance

In the uni­verse there is a con­stant nat­ur­al ten­sion between forces of oppo­site ener­gies. Our bod­ies are made to con­duct both cel­lu­lar war­fare and defense as well as “peace time” regrowth and repair. One of the most impor­tant obser­va­tions is to acknowl­edge the pow­er in the bio­chem­istry of thought. Fear and wor­ry trig­gers the meta­bol­ic path­ways of war­fare and defense. Trust and hope brings the body back into regrowth and repair. The body needs to have both func­tions. Even so, the path­ways are mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. For this rea­son we always encour­age patients to uti­lize pos­i­tive thought and emo­tion as a heal­ing modality.

The pri­ma­ry work is in chang­ing people’s ener­gy path­ways, which com­mences when we dis­pel fear by rec­og­niz­ing that there is poten­tial for a pos­i­tive outcome.

This act is com­mon­ly char­ac­ter­ized as “sub­mit to the ill­ness.” In real­i­ty this is an “oppor­tu­ni­ty” to reframe our think­ing not only as to the caus­es of said “dis­ease”, but also to rethink our own lives and pur­pose in the universe.

Why do we get Cancer?

This is the num­ber one ques­tion for which peo­ple seek answers. Our bod­ies are a uni­verse of mirac­u­lous divine inter­ven­tion. How then can this enti­ty devel­op such a dire life threat­en­ing prob­lem? The immune sys­tem is designed to iden­ti­fy, tag, and elim­i­nate cells that are your cells but are “sick”.

In the nor­mal cell cycle/life span, cells live from 5–120 days. In the nor­mal course of cell divi­sion we can make sick or abnor­mal cells at any time, in an ide­al sce­nario, the immune sys­tem is iden­ti­fy­ing these cells and killing them. How­ev­er, in can­cer, these abnor­mal cells stop com­mu­ni­cat­ing with sur­round­ing cells and start to divide out of turn. They devel­op a coat­ing called “nagalese” that obscures their abnor­mal sur­face mark­ers from the immune sys­tem, there­by impair­ing sur­face recog­ni­tion. Since the immune sys­tem only works on sur­face recog­ni­tion, it can­not do its job, and the abnor­mal cells can divide rapid­ly and escape the nor­mal cell life cycle. So the bio­chem­i­cal envi­ron­ment must have a con­stel­la­tion of pre­dis­pos­ing fac­tors to allow for this to hap­pen, such as fun­gus, par­a­sites, or candida.

The body is made to iden­ti­fy and kill can­cer cells so in order to “get can­cer” the sys­tem has to mal­func­tion. There is a time­line of schemat­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the devel­op­ment of can­cer and it is esti­mat­ed that it takes approx­i­mate­ly ten years to devel­op a tumor 1 cm in diam­e­ter. In the “ear­ly stages” of devel­op­ment, the sit­u­a­tion is reversible.

Can­cer is Vulnerable

As fear­some as can­cer may seem, it has impor­tant meta­bol­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties that can be tak­en advan­tage of for suc­cess­ful treatment.

First and fore­most, can­cer cells make ener­gy anaer­o­bi­cal­ly and as such, can only use glu­cose as the ener­gy mak­ing sub­strate. This is why peo­ple are always instruct­ed to elim­i­nate sug­ar or carbs from their diet as part of their treat­ment. Can­cer cells do not metab­o­lize fat because that requires oxida­tive metab­o­lism, which can only be con­duct­ed by mito­chon­dria. In can­cer, mito­chon­dria get sick or die, and the can­cer cells are ded­i­cat­ed to anaer­o­bic metab­o­lism. This makes them, “sug­ar hun­gry”, and they become avid in the uptake of any mol­e­cule that con­tains glu­cose. Otto War­burg, the Nobel prize win­ning Ger­man bio­chemist dis­cov­ered this fact. He also not­ed that bac­te­ria, virus­es, fun­gi, can­di­da, and par­a­site infect­ed cells also are anaerobic.

Thus, many alter­na­tive can­cer treat­ments take advan­tage of this prin­ci­ple. Some treat­ments are based on anti-oxi­dant and pro-oxi­dant action such as per­ox­ide and high dose Vit­a­min C.

So in can­cer treat­ments there are sub­stances that are glu­cose mim­ics, which con­tain glu­cose plus oth­er enti­ties. These mol­e­cules are read­i­ly tak­en up by can­cer cells but once the glu­cose is released inside the cell, the remain­ing por­tion of the mol­e­cule is poi­so­nous to the can­cer cell and its ener­gy metab­o­lism and will cause the cell to starve and or pop and die (apop­to­sis).  

The sec­ond thing that has been estab­lished, is that can­cer cells are iron avid. They require 400 times the amount of iron need­ed as a co-fac­tor in DNA repli­ca­tion. Since can­cer cells do not obey the nor­mal laws of cell cycling, they divide “out of turn” orders of mag­ni­tude faster than a nor­mal cell, which requires iron in very high amounts. There are com­pounds that have been devel­oped that mim­ic iron in the metab­o­lism which can be intro­duced by mouth or IV. These com­pounds are freely tak­en up by the can­cer cells because they look like iron, but once inside the cell, they are not iron, and they do not func­tion as a cofac­tor for DNA repli­ca­tion, and in fact, poi­son the activ­i­ty of ribo­somes that are respon­si­ble for the pro­duc­tion of pro­teins and so once the ribo­somes are poi­soned the cell can­not func­tion and the cells will die.

Can­cer Types and Treatment

The under­ly­ing assump­tion in the case of can­cer is that cell type and stage at the time of diag­no­sis is impor­tant, yet often does not rep­re­sent the full sit­u­a­tion. We must care­ful­ly iden­ti­fy and address both tumor bur­den as well as micro­scop­ic meta­bol­ic imbal­ances that may be pre­dis­pos­ing a patient to treat­ment resis­tance and recur­rence. Thus, the more com­pre­hen­sive we iden­ti­fy and treat sur­rep­ti­tious under­ly­ing infec­tions (virus­es, bac­te­ria, par­a­sites, fun­gi and can­di­da), the bet­ter the patient’s outcome.

Regard­less of cell type and stage, all can­cer patients are eval­u­at­ed for CTC and CSC (cir­cu­lat­ing can­cer cells and cir­cu­lat­ing stem cells). These cells are unique in that they are rel­a­tive­ly immor­tal (they can live 20 plus years in the body) and are mobile, mean­ing CTC and CSC can be shed by the pri­ma­ry tumor and trav­el in the blood­stream to be deposit­ed in dis­tant sites such as bone, liv­er, and lung. Thus if they are left untreat­ed, they rep­re­sent the poten­tial and basis for devel­op­ing metas­tases. If we do not char­ac­ter­ize, count and treat them even the best of pri­ma­ry tumor removal will fail.

Con­se­quent­ly, when con­ven­tion­al oncol­o­gists and sur­geons state, “we got it all” or “mar­gins are clear” or that you are “cured” after a can­cer remov­ing oper­a­tion or chemother­a­py treat­ment they are unknow­ing­ly mak­ing untrue asser­tions.  With­out char­ac­ter­iz­ing and treat­ing CTC /CSC and with­out iden­ti­fy­ing and treat­ing under­ly­ing pre­dis­pos­ing bio­chem­i­cal envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors, and with­out boost­ing the immune sys­tem, treat­ments inevitably do not make the patient can­cer free.

The dif­fi­cul­ty is that CTC/CSC rep­re­sent a micro­scop­ic prob­lem that can­not be detect­ed by sim­ple imag­ing or rou­tine blood tests. Even in the case of a tumor less than one cen­time­ter in size, after the tumor vol­ume is between 1.1 and 2.7 mil­lime­ters, it has already released more or less than 1 bil­lion CTC/CSC into the body. Just after detec­tion and char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of these unique can­cer cells it is pos­si­ble to ulti­mate­ly iden­ti­fy what treat­ment modal­i­ties the can­cer cells are sus­cep­ti­ble to, as well as what will not work to kill them.

Con­di­tions Treated

  • Can­cers of all types:
    • Breast
    • Brain (Glioblas­toma Mul­ti­forme & Astrocytoma)
    • Prostate
    • Head and Neck
    • Ovar­i­an
    • Endome­tri­al
    • Cer­vi­cal & Vaginal
    • Rec­tal
    • Colon
    • Blad­der
    • Gas­tric
    • Pan­creas
    • Sar­co­ma
    • Melanoma
    • Lym­phoma (Hodgkin’s & Non-Hodgkin’s)
    • Leukemia (all cell types)
    • Lung
  • Chron­ic Viral Infec­tions (eg. Epstein Barr, HPV, HSV)
  • Chron­ic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
  • Chron­ic Candidiasis
  • Lyme Relat­ed Disorders
  • Autoim­mune Disorders
  • Neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive Dis­eases (Parkinson’s, ALS, & PLS)
  • Dia­betes Mellitus
  • Hypothy­roidism
  • Endocrine Imbal­ance
  • Meta­bol­ic Optimization
  • Weight Opti­miza­tion Program
  • Lym­phede­ma
  • Cus­tomized Anti-Aging Protocols
  • Full Spec­trum Influen­za Protocol
  • COVID-19 Treat­ment & Prevention
  • Post COVID-19 vac­cine treatment

Treat­ment Modalities

  • Can­cer Treat­ment Offerings:
    • Immunother­a­py
    • IPT/ Low-dose Chemotherapy
    • Ozone Ther­a­py
    • Mistle­toe
    • High dose Vit­a­min C
    • IV Ther­a­pies
    • SOT
    • ALS and PLS
    • Repur­posed Drugs
    • A core group of trust­ed physi­cians that Dr.V works with such as Inter­ven­tion­al Radi­ol­o­gists, Hos­pi­tal­ists, & Inten­sive Care Specialists
  • Ear­ly detec­tion & can­cer prevention
  • Sup­port for tra­di­tion­al chemotherapy
  • Regen­er­a­tive Medicine
  • Bio-iden­ti­cal hor­mone balancing
  • Cus­tom pep­tide treat­ments for can­cer & chron­ic conditions
  • Lym­phede­ma treatments
  • Edu­ca­tion for envi­ron­men­tal risks (EMFs, pes­ti­cides, & parasites)
  • Stress man­age­ment, diet coun­sel­ing, and supplements

Sug­gest­ed Supplements

  • Trace min­er­als w/Selenium 200 mg daily.
  • MetOmega Deep sea fish oil 1 tsp daily.
  • CoQ10 60 mg 2x daily.
  • Tocotrienol 200 mg in PM with food.
  • Toco­phe­role 200 mg in AM.
  • Pro­bi­otics 50 bil­lion 3x daily.
  • Vit­a­min D 5000 IU 2x daily.
  • Vit­a­min A 25,000 IU daily.
  • Vit­a­min B com­plex (food based) daily.
  • Woben­zyme N 3 PO 3x daily.
  • Col­la­gen Pep­tides Pow­der 2–3 scoops dai­ly with juices/smoothies.
  • Mod­i­fied Cit­rus Pectin 5 gm dai­ly in juices.
  • Agar­i­cus Blazeii Mur­ril 2 cap­sules 2–3x/day.

For more infor­ma­tion see: https://vvsmd.com

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