Weiss Bunt Podcast Episode 16 with the portrait of the two speakers.

Pod­cast: Med­i­cine meets art! What do a pic­ture and an oper­a­tion have in common?


Spon­ta­neous­ly, intu­itive­ly, with­out a script, pure impro­vi­sa­tion! Authen­tic, hon­est, direct! That’s what Weiss­bunt stands for!

This pod­cast is called “Weiss­Bunt”, “Weiss” because my doctor’s coat wears this col­or, “Bunt” because my guests rep­re­sent the whole col­or palette of soci­ety. Police offi­cers, actors, musi­cians and oth­er pro­fes­sion­al groups will be guests. The “Weiss­Bunt” pod­cast dis­cuss­es top­ics such as com­mu­ni­ca­tion, careers, error man­age­ment and pain from dif­fer­ent perspectives.

In per­son­al con­ver­sa­tions with extra­or­di­nary per­son­al­i­ties from sci­ence, cul­ture, busi­ness and pol­i­tics, we look for the spe­cial sto­ries to find the spe­cial code from dif­fer­ent perspectives.

Join us, a new episode every three weeks!

In coop­er­a­tion with Brand Acti­va­tion Berlin.

Prof.Dr. Jalid Sehouli is a renowned can­cer spe­cial­ist, gyne­col­o­gist, sci­en­tist, writer and cit­i­zen of the world and has been com­mit­ted to civ­il soci­ety for holis­tic and social coop­er­a­tion for years.

More about Jalid Sehouli: https://jalidsehouli.info/
More about brand acti­va­tion: https://www.brand-activation.de/

Press Inquiries:
Karim Loreti,
per email to

Gen­er­al Inquiries:
per email to

Source: https://weissbunt.podigee.io/

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