SARS CoV-2 depiction

Can­cer patients and coronavirus

“Can­cer Patients and Coro­n­avirus (COVID-19).” An inter­view with Prof. Schneeweiss. (Eva Schu­mach­er-Wulf for Brustkrebs Deutsch­land e.V.).

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion at

Sup­port our work: This video in no way replaces a med­ical con­sul­ta­tion. A vis­it to a doc­tor for a qual­i­fied con­sul­ta­tion is always rec­om­mend­ed. Any advice or per­son­al opin­ion should always be dis­cussed with your doc­tor before you incor­po­rate it into your deci­sions. If you have any ques­tions about treat­ment, ther­a­py or gen­er­al ques­tions, please con­tact your doc­tor and/or our association.

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