Cover Weissbunt Podcast: Singen, Sterben, Frühgeburt, Krebs! Was ist der Code? Prof.Bührer zu Gast bei Prof. Sehouli vom 07. August 2022.

Singing, dying, pre­ma­ture birth, cancer!

What is the code? Prof. Bührer visiting Prof. Sehouli August 7th, 2022 Spontaneously, intuitively, without a script, pure improvisation! Authentic, honest, direct! That's what Weissbunt stands for! This podcast is called "WeissBunt", "Weiss" because my doctor's coat wears this...

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Hand of a shirt-wearing, seated man writes on printed Din A4 pages.

The Liv­ing Will

The living will is intended for the event that you can no longer make a decision about the type of medical treatment you want. This can be age-related, e.g. B. due to dementia or Alzheimer's or due to an accident...

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Scientist monitoring data on a computer screen.

Bio­mark­er-Based Mod­els for Pre­op­er­a­tive Assess­ment of Adnex­al Mass: A Mul­ti­cen­ter Val­i­da­tion Study

Authors MustRafał Watrowski,1,2,† Eva Obermayr,2,† Christine Wallisch,3 Stefanie Aust,2 Nicole Concin,4 Elena Ioana Braicu,5 Toon Van Gorp,6 Annette Hasenburg,7,8 Jalid Sehouli,5 Ignace Vergote,6 and Robert Zeillinger2,* Simple Summary Ovarian cancer (OC) is the deadliest genital tumor in women. In this multicenter study, we developed three new diagnostic models based on serum...

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Operating room with scissors in the foreground.

Recon­struc­tive Surgery ver­sus Pri­ma­ry Clo­sure fol­low­ing Vul­var Can­cer Exci­sion: A Wide Sin­gle-Cen­ter Experience

Authors Mustafa Zelal Muallem 1, Jalid Sehouli 1, Andrea Miranda 1, Helmut Plett 1, Ahmad Sayasneh 2, Yasser Diab 3, Jumana Muallem 1, Imad Hatoum 1 Simple Summary When it comes to advanced vulval cancer management, there is a critical quandary to consider. This is owing to the severe negative impact of demolitive surgery on...

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Logo European Center for Endometrial Cancer

Endome­tri­al Can­cer App

The endometrial cancer app is aimed at both patients and doctors. With the support of new technologies, we want to stay in touch with you and keep you informed about news in the field of endometrial cancer (gynecological oncology). Together...

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Image for the article Aromatherapy and Cancer, with an image of the aroma bottle and fruit and descriptive text.

Aro­mather­a­py and Cancer

The focus of an oncological center is the holistic treatment of people suffering from cancer. In addition to classical medicine, supportive integrative procedures have also been established for this purpose in recent decades. For example, aromatherapy in the hospital. It...

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