Prof. Dr. med. Matthias David — Man­ag­ing Senior Physi­cian Cam­pus Vir­chow-Klinikum Char­ité Berlin 35 Jahre Erfahrung

Matthias David was born in 1961. Since 1991 he has been work­ing at the Clin­ic for Gyne­col­o­gy of the Char­ité Berlin, Cam­pus Vir­chow Klinikum. In 1999 he grad­u­at­ed as a spe­cial­ist in gyne­col­o­gy and obstet­rics and has been a senior physi­cian ever since. He com­plet­ed his habil­i­ta­tion in 2001 and was appoint­ed pro­fes­sor in 2010.

His main research inter­ests are: health ser­vices research / migra­tion, psy­cho­so­mat­ics, med­ical his­to­ry and clin­i­cal work on myoma therapy.

Prof. Dr. med. Matthias David advo­cates equal access for refugees to med­ical care. 

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