Photo for the article "A balanced diet". Cucumber and beet slices on a chess board.

Under the micro­scope: a bal­anced diet

Peo­ple are what they eat, and that also applies to patients. And every­one eats dif­fer­ent. Because we know that health, per­for­mance and well-being have a lot to do with our diet, this top­ic is very special. 

All nutri­ents are impor­tant, which is why, based on Dr. med. Ambro­sius, put togeth­er five build­ing blocks that are good and impor­tant for the body and the soul. 

Get inspi­ra­tion for more aware­ness, health and wellbeing.

Bal­anced nutri­tion and its build­ing blocks

A bal­anced diet con­tains indi­vid­ual nutri­tion­al com­po­nents.
As many build­ing blocks as pos­si­ble should be inte­grat­ed into per­son­al nutri­tion every day.

Build­ing block no. 1: “Heart-strength­en­ing” foods: The fat eti­quette prin­ci­ple (oils, nuts, butter)

Fats aren’t always bad. Fats ensure prop­er blood lipids and strength­en the heart. 

A bal­anced com­bi­na­tion of good oils, the right spreads, fish, meat and nuts cre­ates the right bal­ance between taste and health. 

No fat is out! Com­bin­ing fats cor­rect­ly, on the oth­er hand, is trendy!

Mod­ule no. 2: “Zeller­frisch­er” food (water, tea)

“Stay hydrat­ed, it’s impor­tant”, true to the mot­to: At least 8 glass­es of water a day — that’s a mat­ter of honor! 

Drink a large glass of water or unsweet­ened herbal tea before and after each meal. That way you achieve the goal of 1.5 to 2 liters per day. 

Why is this so impor­tant for your well-being? Water serves as a “means of trans­port” for degra­da­tion prod­ucts from the body and refresh­es every cell with impor­tant vital sub­stances. Life with­out hydra­tion is not possible. 

Mod­ule no. 3: “Fill­ing” foods: (eggs, tofu, meat, fish, milk and dairy prod­ucts, cheese, soy)

Pro­tein-rich foods tell your brain that you are full. This pleas­ant­ly good feel­ing lasts for a cer­tain time. 

The so-called sati­ety-mak­ers are used to build up firm mus­cles and burn twice the calo­ries: once dur­ing pro­tein diges­tion and also when sup­ply­ing new muscles.

Mod­ule no. 4: “Beau­ty from the inside” — Food: (veg­eta­bles and fruit)

At least 3 serv­ings of veg­eta­bles and 2 serv­ings of fruit should be con­sumed dai­ly for well-being. One serv­ing is rough­ly equiv­a­lent to “a handful”. 

Sweet or savory, these five serv­ings of veg­eta­bles and fruits pro­vide your body with impor­tant vit­a­mins, min­er­als and sec­ondary plant sub­stances that have a pos­i­tive influ­ence on a large num­ber of meta­bol­ic processes. 

Veg­eta­bles and fruits there­fore strength­en your immune sys­tem, make you full and that’s why they make you look beau­ti­ful from the inside!

Mod­ule no. 5: “Feel-Good” food: (whole grain bread, pota­toes, rice, noodles)

Lift your spir­its: “Feel-Good” foods real­ly fill you up. They also pro­vide the nec­es­sary ener­gy. They cre­ate new pow­er for the whole body. Good to know: Our brain can main­ly process “feel good” foods. 

Now you have an overview and help­ful don­key bridges over the most impor­tant nutri­tion­al com­po­nents that are real­ly good for you and impor­tant. Eat a bal­anced diet. In prin­ci­ple, only eat what you like — almost any­thing is pos­si­ble with these components.

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